CoolSculpting Fat Cell Reduction

Dr. Awesome freezes away fat cells with proprietary treatment packages that include two rounds of CoolSculpting.  These treatment packages typically reduce 40% of the targeted fat cells (instead of the standard 20 - 25% reduction you typically get with a single round of CoolSculpting).

Magnetic Muscle Stimulation

Strengthen, tone, and firm your physique with Dr. Awesome’s Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) treatments.  Over the course of multiple treatments, the targeted muscles become stronger and more toned – which in turn contributes to a more sculpted physique.

Non-Surgical Medical
Weight Loss

Dr. Awesome offers physician-supervised, non-surgical medical weight loss programs.  These programs promote positive lifestyle changes which contribute to substantial and lasting weight loss.

Facial Aesthetics
and Skincare

Dr. Awesome keeps your skin looking young and healthy with a full range of aesthetic treatments proven to reduce the visible signs of aging.

Hair Restoration
and Transplantation

Dr. Awesome is a leading hair restoration center which specializes in NeoGraft hair transplantation technology. NeoGraft is a minimally invasive, natural-looking hair restoration solution that does not leave a visible scar on your head.

Body Contouring

Dr. Awesome has the ability to combine synergistic treatments to deliver enhanced body contouring. Patients can select multi-treatment packages that include both CoolSculpting AND Magnetic Muscle Stimulation sessions (e.g. CoolTone or EmSculpt).

Varicose Vein Treatment

Dr. Awesome treats unsightly, swollen varicose veins. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to definitively close and eliminate these diseased vessels